How do I report an accident or claim?

You need to report this to your insurer as soon as possible in order to comply with the conditions of your policy.

At Marketline we understand that when you need to make a claim you want the process to be as stress-free as possible. We have therefore made sure that the insurers and suppliers we use offer a high quality claims assistance.

It is a condition of any insurance policy that all claims or losses or incidents that may give rise to a claim are reported to your insurers as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in a claim not being paid either in part or in full. It is therefore very important to report any incident to your insurers without delay.

Allianz Claims Number: 0344 893 9500

When calling Allianz, clients need to quote the Master Policy Number, which is SZ28884996.

If you have included ARAG Essential Business Legal and need to contact them for Legal or Tax Advice, then please call this number: 0344 571 7978
To access their Business Legal Services online please visit the following website: www.araglegal.co.uk You will need to enter the following voucher code: X1232KC79BB5.

Can I view my policy wording online?

You can find the latest versions of the policy documents for the insurers we place business with below. Each shows the date from which it applied, so if you took out or renewed your policy before this date please contact us for a previous version.

Allianz Public Liability

Policy overview Click here for the policy overview
Policy wording Click here for the policy wording

ARAG Business Essentials Legal Cover

Policy overview Click here for the policy overview
Policy wording Click here for the policy wording

What is Public Liability insurance?

If you cause injury to a member of the public (such as a client, customer, supplier, passer-by) or cause damage to their property or possessions as a result of your business activities, they may decide to make a claim against you for compensation. A claim for injury could easily run into thousands or even millions of pounds, so without Public Liability insurance you could face bankruptcy in the event of a claim. Public Liability insurance covers both the compensation payments and legal costs if you are held responsible for causing injury or property damage to a member of the public or to another company due to negligence. A person or company making a claim against you for negligence is referred to as being a “Third Party”. Most markets and events now require you to buy Public Liability cover before they will allow you to trade.

What is Products Liability insurance?

A Product Liability policy covers compensation payments and legal costs should a product that you sell cause injury or property damage to a third party. This includes cover for food poisoning resulting from any food and drink products you have produced or prepared. The following products are excluded from cover:

  • • Firearms and/or Weapons, including Ammunition and Replica Guns
  • • Fireworks
  • • Motor Vehicle / Motor Cycle / Cycle Parts
  • • Motor Vehicle / Motor Cycle / Cycle Safety Critical Parts
  • • Second Hand Cycles and Bicycles
  • • Health Food Supplements such as vitamin tablets, slimming aids and protein powders
  • • E-Cigarettes including replacement liquids
  • • Second Hand Electrical Items

For a full list of exclusions please refer to the Policy Document.

What is Employer’s Liability insurance?

If you employ someone to work for you, or if you have unpaid help on your stall, Employer’s Liability is compulsory for your business. It covers your business against compensation payments and legal costs payable to someone undertaking work for you who suffers bodily injury during the course of their employment, if they ada prove that it was as a result of your negligence. For an additional premium, this can be included as part of the Public Liability policy which we also arrange.

Does this policy cover me if I am trading from a shop?

Public Liability policies we arrange are designed for people who are trading at markets (either indoor or outdoor), events, exhibitions and festivals. It is therefore unsuitable for businesses trading from a high street shop or a shop in a shopping centre. Our parent company Clear Insurance Management may be able to help you with this and they can be contacted on 0207 280 3450, or for more information visit their website at www.clearinsurancemanagement.com.

I run an online business and only trade online. Is this policy suitable for me?

Public Liability policies we arrange are designed for people who are trading at markets (either indoor or outdoor), events, exhibitions and festivals. The policy does provide limited cover for online sales of up to 25% of total turnover, although this excludes sales to the USA and Canada. If more than 25% of your business turnover is traded online then the Public Liability insurance arranged by us would be unsuitable. Our parent company Clear Insurance Management may be able to help you with this and they can be contacted on 0207 280 3450, or for more information visit their website at www.clearinsurancemanagement.com.

Does this policy cover me if I am organising a Market or other Event?

Our Public Liability insurance is designed for individual traders who are working at Markets and Events. If you are organising a Market or Event we can also quote on this, but it would be a different type of insurance. Please call us on 020 7618 2929 to discuss your requirements.

Does my Public Liability insurance cover my Stock and Business Equipment?

This cannot be covered under the Public Liability insurance that we offer but we can arrange a separate policy which would cover your stock and stall including displays, fixtures and fittings as well as other trade contents. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

My insurance is due for renewal. Will you automatically renew it?

We do not automatically renew policies. You will receive a renewal notice at least 14 days before the cover expires which will give you instructions on how you can renew the cover for a further year.

I’ve taken out Public Liability insurance with Marketline and need to show proof of the insurance to the Market Manager / Event Organiser. What do I do?

The Allianz Liability Insurance Schedule acts as proof of cover. As Public Liability insurance is not a legal requirement we do not issue a Certificate of Insurance.

You have issued me with an Employer’s Liability certificate; what should I do with it?

You must keep this somewhere safe and ensure that your members of staff have reasonable access to it.

What is an ERN number and where can I find it?

An ERN (“Employers Reference Number”) is issued to every business registered with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) as an employer. It is a unique set of letters and numbers that relates specifically to your business and can be found on any correspondence from the HMRC, for example the HMRC Welcome Pack issued to you when you first register as an employer, a P45, P60 or P11/D, or a pay slip. It may also be referred to on tax forms as an Employer PAYE reference.

I employ staff but I don’t have an ERN number

If you do not have an ERN number it may be because you are not registered as an employer. It is essential that you register because if you fail to do so you could be breaking the law. Alternatively you may already be registered but exempt from having an ERN number. Your Accountant will be able to provide you with further guidance.

Why do you need my ERN Number?

We provide this to the insurer as they are required to supply policy data to the Employer’s Liability Tracing Office (ELTO) who administer a database to help employees identify their past employer’s insurers in order to assist them in making a claim.

As with all insurance policies, terms, conditions and exclusions apply – see policy documents for full details.